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Hi! My name is Kiriko. I have been working as a national licensed tour guide since 2019 🙂

I was born and raised in Osaka, and after graduating from a university in Thailand, I came back to Japan to become a tour guide. Tour guiding is my passion as I enjoy meeting new people from all over the world, showing them around with a local point of view and making them fall in love with my beloved country Japan!

I mainly do private tours in the Kansai region(Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Kobe etc.), but I also have experience in leading group tours all across Japan. Also as a travel enthusiast myself, I have traveled to almost every part of Japan. Please feel free to ask me if you need any recommendation on where to go or what to do while in Japan, I have a lot of ideas to give you!!

Looking forward to seeing you in my tours 😉

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