Thank you Toshio for your wonderful tour to Mt. Fuji, onsen, lunch at a traditional udon restaurant, that we never would have found ourselves, and time at the Gotemba outlet mall.
We were able to have a full day in Toshio’s car, which made it so much easier to get around to all the sights we saw. So much better than a tour bus, and much more reasonably priced for a private tour than others seen on line.
Toshio also helped us with booking the shinkansen to Osaka, and his great suggestion of flying back to Tokyo rather than the train, arriving at the same terminal as our flight back to Australia. That was a great help.
Toshio also connected us with Madoka, based near Kyoto, who took us to Kyoto and Kobe.
I highly recommend Toshio as your ‘go to’ tour guide, as his experience in helping to negotiate the confusion of Tokyo transport, and recommending restaurants and areas you might not find on your own is worth its weight in gold. Thank you, Toshio! Annie, Lyndsey and Anna.