we got to see a majority of the city

We loved the fact that we got to see a majority of the city in such a small amount of time. There is no way we would have seen as much as we did without the layover tour.

Great second experience in Tokyo!

We took a tour with Tony one day and Fumie the next day. Both tours were great. The guides were informative and thoughtful in their selections for our tours.

Fantastic Day Tour of Tokyo

We had a great day tour of Tokyo with Tony! He picked up us promptly. He customized our activities to meet our interests and was willing to adjust as we went.

Great Tokyo Layover Experience

Highly recommend this tour if you have a long layover in Tokyo. Tony met us at the airport and provided a private tour across Tokyo.

Tracy was very accommodating!

Tracy was very accommodating no matter the situation. She never pressured us on time. For that matter she was consistently reassuring us to not worry about the time.

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    If you are a solo traveler interested in applying for the Haneda layover tour, you can apply for a discounted rate with a shared ride plan. Check the shared ride options.

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